Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2018

There is still available black female WIKI at our friends in "Obrowska Tradycja".
All interested please contact me or the breeder - Hania phone: +48.56.637.64.07

World Dog Show, this time in Germany. Both brothers GABRYŚ and GUJEK were judged by german judge Horst Fischbach and they both received very good notes, FAUNA in Champion Class, was judged by Lisbeth Mach with an excellent note.

Być Może GUJEK – Junior Winner of Poland 2017 :)

Two brothers from litter G were health examined - heart and joints. The results are: both boys have health hearts and hip and elbow dysplasia. Gabryś was also tested by Faltendoggengentest N/N in Germany with no carrier results.

Być Może GUJEK - HD A, ED 0, Cardio - normal
Być Może GABRYŚ - HD A, ED 0, Cardio - normal, Faltendoggengentest N/N

Let us introduce ourselves


You can see FAUNA on the adverts promoting first tour of Daria Zawiałow – „A Kysz Tour”!

New pictures of litter H :)

Angie - daughter of my cousin visits us always when there are puppies around.

On German Club Show in Paderborn our Kennel was presented by 16 months old GABRYŚ - he won his class and got VDH :-) The judge was well-known breeder and judge of our breed Dr Horst Hollensteiner.

Description: „Medium size, harmoniously build dog. Strong, correct head. Correct bite. There was a little bit of problem with presentation of teeths. Well defined set ears and eyes. Medium long, strong, almost dry neck with nice curve. Straight top line, correct croup. Correct male. Very well developed forechest. Correct posture. Very good movement.”

Congratulations Sandra!!

We are one month old :-)

Our trips for Czech Great Dane Club are almost a tradition now :-) But it never went that good!!

GUJEK - Junior Czech Club Winner!!!
GZYGZAK third place in Champion Class with excellent note!!!

Aleksandra Śmietanka - thank you for everything :)

"DUO CACIB Bratislava" in Junior Class Być Może GZYGZAK received:

- judge Biros Milan - JCAC
- judge Benkovsky Milan - JCAC, JBOB, BOB!!

And in Białystok, his siblings on National Dog Show in Intermediate Class

Być Może GUJEK – CWC, Best Adult Male, BOB!! Być Może GULDYNKA - CWC, Best Adult Female and BOS

And second day on International Dog Show:

Gujek - CWC, CACIB, BOB!!
Guldynka - Junior Winner, Best Junior, BOS and from now on she is Junior Champion of Poland :)

Within three days of shows in beautiful Druskienniki (Lithuania) Być Może GZYGZAK has received:
- judge Rade Vesic-Masterhof - I ex., CAC, CACIB, BOB
- judge Juan Naveda Carrero - I ex., CAC
- judge Valentin Fedorov - I ex., CAC, CACIB, BOS - and with this result with onlt 15 months old he became CHAMPION OF LITHUANIA!!

Dreamed litter "H" was born. Parents are TABARKA de la Benjamine and FASTRYGA :)

Być Może GZYGZAK came back from Lithuania with JUNIOR CHAMPION OF LITHUANIA title!!!
Congratulations Krzysiek!!

Jubilee Great Dane Club Show was held in Grębiszew. Congratulations to the organisation team!! Show was organised in very beautiful place on highest level! As always on Club Shows there were invited specilist judges and, females were judged by French well-known breeder Veronique Maunder (de la Benjamine Kennel), and males by Portugese judge Jose Manuel Pacheco (Terras do Balio Kennel).
Here are our results:

Junior Class:
Być Może GUJEK - I/4 excellent, Junior Club 2017 Winner, Best Junior
Być Może GZYGZAK - III/4 excellent
Być Może GULDYNKA - II/6 excellent

Champion Class:
Być Może FAFEL - II/4 excellent

On International Dog Show in Kołobrzeg GZYGZAK received Junior Winner and Best Junior, judge Andrzej Kot (Pl). Congratulations!!

(on photo from left: BUKA Warrior Queen - Best of Opposite Sex, VALENTINO Margarejro - Best of Breed, Być Może GZYGZAK - Best Junior)

In Krak city on International Dog Show GZYGZAK has finished Junior Champion of Poland!! Congratulations Krzysiek!!
Guldynka was 2 among 5 females.

On National Dog Show of 1, 2 and 8. Grupy FCI organised by Lublin brand of ZKwP, Gujek has finished Junior Champion of Poland :-)
Judge Robert Mroczko from Poland gave to our Gujek titles like: Junior Winner, Best Junior and Best of Breed!!!

XXIII Great DAne Club Show in Lithuania, sędzia: E. Balsiukas (Lithuania)
Very good show for our „G” team :-)

Być Może GUJEK - I/3 ex., Junior Club 2017 Winner, Best Junior, BIS Junior III
Być Może GZYGZAK - II/3 ex.
Być Może GULDYNKA - I ex., Junior Club 2017 Winner, Best Junior, BIS Junior II

Thank you Ola and Wiola for help and trip full of adventures :-)
Ausra Baksyte (Margenis kennel, home of father of litter G) - for you special thank you for everything!!

International Dog Show in Łódź, judge David Gattegno (France).
Our kennel was represented in junior class by one year old siblings:

Gujek was second among 6 males, Guldynka was 2 among 4 females.

International Dog Show in Czeskie Budziejowice, judge Jan Celakovsky (Czech Rep).

Być Może FAFEL received CAC, CAC ČMKU, CACIB, BOB, and with this he fullfilled Grandchampiona of Czech Rep. and Champion of ČMKU. Congratulations Denisa!!

On National Dog Show in Gliwice GZYGZAK in Junior Class won - I ex., Junior Winner, Best Junior and Best of Breed!!!

Judge: Bogusław Chmiel (Poland)

Pluto - thanks to good care had changed a lot, not only physically, but most of all mentally. He is still waitting for his new forever home. He is under care of "Stowarzyszenie Dogi Adopcje". For more informations contact - Ania: 604 492 979 or me.

Meeting of siblings in Łódź - home town of Gzygzak.
Magda, Justyna, Marta - Thank you very much for your help, and Ola thank you for photos :)

The results of my babies from International Dog Show in Katowice:
Być Może GUJEK - I/6 ex., Junior Winner, Best Junior.
Być Może GULDYNKA - III/3 ex.
Judge: Vladimir Piskay (Slovakia)

Ola thank you for handling!

National Dog Show in Lublin
Judge: Marek Lewandowski (Poland)

Być Może GZYGZAK (9 months old)
Junior Class:
I/2 ex., Junior Winner, Best Junior, Best of Breed!!

Congratulations Krzysztof :-)

Today I have received bronze badge of Polish Kennel Club!!

There is still available beautiful 7 months old Tereska at our friends kennel Obrowska Tradycja!!
More informations you can find on

Contact to the breeder
tel. 56.637.64.07, e-mail:

Warszawa, POLAND
cell: +48.601.368.600
tel. +48.22.872.02.08
e-mail: byc_moze[at]

© Copyright by Klaudia Karłowicz
Only for Beata Kucharczyk, Być Może FCI
® All Rights Reserved *2016*