FRANCO Fidenes z Figoraju - 18.03.1993 † 20.03.2001

      I came back from hairdresser and my first footsteps were to our living room. I wanted to talk to my husband. Passing by Ola's bedroom I noticed that she was sleeping with a blue toy. Talking to Paul I realized that Ola does not have any blue toy. I went to her room to check and saw the most beautiful blue puppy sleeping with Ola. My husband bought us a new little Dane.

One day when my in-laws visited us I was preparing 60 meat perogies. It turned out that I did not have an onion. So I have said loud to everybody "I am going to the nearby store" and left home. Of course nobody had paid attention what I said and when I returned back there was only five of them left on my white linens. It was that many Franco left, not to count the one he just dropped from his mouth when he saw me. It was enough of them only for Ola because you have to know that children have a special place in Great Dane's heart.

Warszawa, POLAND
cell: +48.601.368.600
tel. +48.22.872.02.08
e-mail: byc_moze[at]

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