I do not know exact Buka's birthday date because I have bought her on one of the biggest Warsaw's market - "Stadion X-lecia".
So she was a dog without a pedigree.
The only thing she had was a PSO (K9 Guard Dog) diploma with bronze medal and very good mark on it.
That was my Buka.
She was not a most beautiful (when Ola reads this I will probably be yelled at) but the most intelligent dog ever.
To be perfectly honest, nobody believed me that she had a diploma for PSO because she was extremely friendly, especially with those who had praised her.
Buka run to them as if they were the old buddies of her.
But I knew all in my mind what was in Buka's head - she loved to eat.
How do I know that? Let me tell you the story...
We were expecting our friends over that day.
My husband, the best cook ever, bought a few pounds of veal.
Since we had to go to the store to get some beverages we have left the meat on the kitchen counter.
Upon our return we were strangely greeted by Franco - happily hopping and jumping while Buka did not even move from her bed.
On the kitchen floor was only empty plastic bag and no trace of meat. We are absolutely positive that Franco did not even have a chance to sniff this meet.
Poor Franco thought that when we returned he's patience would be rewarded. Buka lost her thin figure for quite some time.